As we know, AFK Arena is among the most adventurous games playable on both Android and iOS platforms, promising a blend of classic RPG and Gacha gameplay, and casting a myriad of deadly heroes throughout diverse game modes. These characters are categorized into 5 broad segments, where Tier S embodies the highest level of the most influential heroes as compared to Tier D, which is the lowest level in the game and contains the least productive characters. It is very crucial to invest in the best heroes rather than to pick those who will not tend to be profitable in the long run.

AFK Arena Tiers

Let us walk you through top-most to lowest AFK Arena Tier heroes.

AFK Arena Tier S Heroes

If you want to win the game then the characters in this tier should be your primary choice. It underpins the most powerful heroes with incredible stats and utility. This list includes the following characters:

Athalia Brutus Cecilia Eironn Elijah & Lilah Ezizh Ferael Flora Gwyneth Hendrik Kaz Lucius Lyca Mehira Mezoth Nakoruru Nara Nemora Orthros Rosaline Rowan Safiya Saurus Shemira Talene Tasi Ukyo

AFK Arena Tier A Heroes

You can certainly count this category as some heroes are much better than the one in list S. However, some or other elements of the game’s abilities and utilities are missing. This list includes the following characters:

Antandra Arthur Baden Belinda Ezizh Fawkes Gorvo Grezhul Isabella Kelthur Khasos Khazard Oscar Rigby Satrana Seirus Skreg Ulmus Warek Zolrath

AFK Arena Tier B Heroes

B list characters can be useful, though not for all but for very few game modes. This list includes the following characters:

Anoki Estrilda Lorsan Oden Raine Skriath Tidus Torne Thoran Wu Kong

AFK Arena Tier C Heroes

These are the ordinarily standard characters and should be given last priority. This list includes the following characters:

Angelo Arden IzoldNumisu Vedan Vurk

AFK Arena Tier D Heroes

Heroes in the D list are the weakest and least important. They’re not likely to be any help once you advance in the game. This list includes the following characters:

Ankhira GolusHogan IraMirael Morvus Niru Ogi Saveas Silvina Vedan

To suggest, you must go with either AFK Arena tier list S or list A if you wish to succeed in the game.