Epic Seven: How Much Effectiveness for Wyvern

Wyvern is a legendary dragon found in European literature, mythology, and folklore. In this game, you can hunt Wyvern, and it gives you speed sets. Its skill set includes Fire Protection, Super Acceleration, Dragon Might, Fireball Barrage, and Tail Swing. Since its elemental power is fire, Ice type units are considered best against this creature. Ice element heroes damage it 30% more. And it inflicts 30% more damage to other elements. There is no fixed percentage of effectiveness that an attacker needs to have to defeat this creature as the effectiveness cannot go above the 85% even when your hero has 100% effectiveness. But here is the official formula from its community page Stove to calculate the Effectiveness of your attack.

Chance of inflicting debuff = Chance of attempting debuff x (1 + Attacker’s Effectiveness – Target’s Effect Resistance). 100% + Attacker’s Effectiveness – Target’s Effect Resistance.

Even though a particular percentage of Effectiveness is not rolled out for defeating this creature. But having sufficient Effectiveness units is going to benefit you. Especially if they are Ice element heroes. Due to this Sigret is considered best in a fight with Wyvern. She can have 107% of Effectiveness. Other heroes that are ice type and have the best Effectiveness are Tywin with 77%, Seaside Bellona with 92%, Crozet with 35%, Mistychain with 63%, Alexa with 59%, Taranor Guard with 55%, Luluca with 143%, Clarissa with 47%, and Bask with 44%. Here is how much Effectiveness is needed to defeat Wyvern in Epic Seven E7. Since you are already here, go ahead and check out how to farm Catalysts and what is Elemental advantage in E7.