How to Unlock and Use the Planet Crafter Map

How to Unlock The Map

To unlock the Planet Crafter map, you need to first complete these six steps:

Loot a Rocket Engine Alternatively, you can also reach 175.00 kTI in Terraforming This will unlock the recipe Now, unlock the Launch Platform by reaching 345.00 kTI in Terraforming After that, find and use Blueprint Microchips This will unlock the GPS Satellite T1 You can now unlock the Map Screen Launch a GPS Satellite T1 into orbit Now, build a Map Screen in the area you want to see the map

Now that you have unlocked the Planet Crafter Map, here are the basics of how it works so that you can use it.

How to Use The Map

You can only see a small, local area through the map. And so, there is no way how you’ll be able to see the entire playable area even in the Early Access version 0.4.004. But no worries, here is how you can find the locations in The Planet Crafter. On the bottom left of your HUD, there’s going to be a set of five numbers, that will look like this: 221:12:432 : 5 : 60 These numbers represent- X:Y:Z : ? : FPS This means:

X – Horizontal Coordinates (East to West) Y – Vertical Coordinates (Up and Down) Z – Horizontal Coordinates (North to South) ? – Unknown FPS – Current frames per second

The X, Y and Z list the specific location in the Planet Crafter world. use them to travel in the game until you reach those coordinates. Now, you will reach the exact location. Now, with that out of the way, here are all of the Points of interest in Planet Crafter. This will include every:

Golden chest Ruin Ship and satellite Zone Cave Tunnel

Golden Chests Coordinates in Planet Crafter

You will find 11 golden chests in Planet Crafter. Use the map to find all of them or if you don’t feel like it then simply use these coordinates.

1st Golden Chest: 263:28:478 2nd Golden Chest: 276:167:1018 3rd Golden Chest: 832:50:1208 4th Golden Chest: 1510:9:665 5th Golden Chest: 938:24:324 6th Golden Chest: 1076:23:-16 7th Golden Chest: 402:4:-267 8th Golden Chest: 519:73:1551 9th Golden Chest: 473:65:1567 10th Golden Chest: 2158:3:240 11th Golden Chest: 1749:0:1994 12th Golden Chest: 707:154:1886

Crashed Remnants Coordinates

You will find 7 crashed remnants in Planet Crafter. Use the map to find all of them. Here’s the general direction of the remnants for those of you interested in some amount of direction but don’t want exact locations:

The Freighter – Lake The Cruiser – Lake The Space Station – Labyrinth The Shuttle – Aluminum Valley Freight Containers – Grand Rift The Battleship – The Dunes The Fighter – Grand Rift

Or if you don’t feel like it then simply use these coordinates.

1st Crashed Remnant – The Freighter: 392:142:923 2nd Crashed Remnant – The Cruiser: 1151:54:641 3rd Crashed Remnant – The Space Station: 1566:50:474 4th Crashed Remnant – The Shuttle: 950:46:14 5th Crashed Remnant – Freight Containers: 487:47:-163 6th Crashed Remnant – The Battleship: 152:17:1296 7th Crashed Remnant – The Fighter: 2197:2:618

These were all of the crashed remnants in Planet Crafter. This was our guide on how to unlock the Planet Crafter map and learn how to use it. If you liked this article then check out these gaming articles to find other cool games.