How to Win in 2? 2 is an online game where the player with the most territory wins. All you have to do is paint the whole area in your color and you’re the winner. It does sound simple but things can go out of hand quite easily. Apart from you, the other players will be trying to do the same. Although the other players will be AI bots, not real players. So, you don’t just have to expand your area but also protect what you have gained. You will commence the game with a small part of the area covered in your color. From your patch, you have to claim as much area as you can. In order to conquer the enemy territory, you have to overlap the area of the enemy and trace a way back to your patch. If you come in contact with the other player while doing so, you will die and you’d have to restart the game. This is the tricky part I was talking about. The easiest way to do so is start covering the area from the corners. You will be playing on a spherical field. So if you color the area from the corners, there are lesser chances you will be attacked. But, you must keep an eye out. The moment you complete the circle, the whole area will be painted in your color and you will be crowned as the winner. Now you know how to win in 2. Hopefully, this article was helpful for you. While you’re here, you can check out this website for more such games.